
Do not loose out and not Advertise

You can still reach your clients through the media, and cheaper than before.

See the total package the client received: Go to and select JOBS in the upper selection bar – scroll down and select the feature image to open the complete posting in the News Letter.

One of Kwêvoël’s recent clients had this to say about the success of the Special Lockdown Offer she booked (with an additional R50 boost)

This was the actual Feature Image as posted on Facebook

This was the actual advertisement

This was the Analytic Feed-Back supplied to the Client

This was the response to an advertisement with a R100 boost spread over 4 days – 6 561 Social Media users responded to this advertisement and opened it on the News Letter.
During the four days of boost, 7 268 Facebook Posts were also visited.

Click here to see the actual advertisement on Kwêvoël News Letter

Why still wait?

Do not let your business suffer due to the lockdown or because you lost all faith in the media

Does your Online Shop reach this many new visitors in four days –
Use Kwêvoël to make this happen