TBZ Kickboxers in Slovakya
SLOVAKYA – Ian Rall, Francois Buys, Rohan Erasmus and Willem Henning from Thabazimbi XKT Kickboxing Club was chosen to represent South Africa in the World Championskops in Bratislava during 8-15 September 2012.
Jaco Henning also from TBZ XKT represented SA as coach and Michael Buys as international judge and refferee.
Under a lot of pressure to perform in top class, these local youngsters proofed them selves to count amongst the top ten of the world. It was an extroardinary road of top class preperation and a long term project of total dedication and extremely competitive tournaments to qualify for this prestigeous event.
With this type of high class exposure to international sport events, and considdering the very young ages of these contestants from the Thabazimbi Kickboxing Club,we can look forward to potential world champs should they endure.
Congratulations to the very proud parents of these champs and thank you to those who contributed to make this happen for them. No medals does not mean defeat, but ending in the top ten makes all top competitors.
Sport is not only about medals, but also about being part of the best of the best. You made us proud and keep on doing the greatest sport on earth.
Shihan Peet van Breda, Ian Rall, Willem Henning, Rohan Erasmus, Francois Buys and Sensei Michael Buys.