TLU SA blameer regering vir onlus in die land
TLU SA sê in ‘n mediavrystelling dat die organisasie teleurgesteld is in Pres Cyril Ramaphosa en die ANC-regering se hantering van die onlus-situasie in Suid-Afrika. “Om bloot ‘n pleister te plak op die groot gapende wond – ekonomiese verval – gaan beslis nie die probleem oplos nie.”
“Dit is een ding om te sê ons moet nie afbreek nie, maar die ekonomie eerder opbou,” sê Henry Geldenhuys, president van TLU SA. “Dit is iets heeltemal anders om inderdaad so te lei en die regte ekonomiese beginsels bo enige ander aspekte te implementeer dat die ekonomie wel opgebou kan word.”
Hy gaan voort deur te sê dat dit verkeerd is om te dink die onluste wat die land op die oomblik lam lê is net ‘n gevolg van ontevrede Zuma-ondersteuners. Dit was bloot die vonk in die kruitvat van wat TLU SA reeds lankal voorspel. Die land se werkloosheidskoers staan op 43%. Onder jongmense is dit meer as 46%. Die ANC-regering het hierdie sosio-ekonomiese probleme geskep en dit sal ‘n probleem bly totdat die beginsels vir ekonomiese groei in plek is.
“President Ramaphosa dit is jou verantwoordelikheid om te sien na die veiligheid van elke Suid-Afrikaner,” sê Geldenhuys. “Dit is ook die regering se verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat die situasie in die land gunstig is vir belegging. Jy faal in jou primêre verantwoordelikheid as die president van die land. Die land brand en dit is julle skuld. Julle moes lankal reeds halt geroep het met beleide soos onteiening sonder vergoeding en regstellende aksie. Julle moes ook lankal reeds ferm opgetree het teen korrupte politici en amptenare. Dan was daar nou stabiliteit in die land.”
Die heersende onluste het reeds ‘n negatiewe impak op die voorsiening van landbouprodukte. TLU SA voorsien dat ‘n toename in plaasaanvalle en die verniel van landbouprodukte in die gees van anargie verwag kan word.
“Ons spreek ons ten sterkste uit teen die barbarisme wat nou in die land geld,” sê Geldenhuys. “Beskaafde mense wend hulle nie tot misdaad wanneer hulle oor iets ontevrede is nie.
“Ons wil elke Suid-Afrikaner, maar veral ons landbou-lede aanmoedig om paraat te wees.”

TLU SA blames government for unrest in country
TLU SA has issued a media release stating that the organisation is disappointed in Pres Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC government’s handling of the unrest situation in South Africa. Trying to fix an enormous gaping wound – economic decline – will not work by sticking a plaster on it.
“It is one thing to say we should not break down the country, but should rather build the economy,” says Henry Geldenhuys, president of TLU SA. “But it is something completely different to truly lead and implement the correct economic principles over any other aspects so that the economy can be built up.”
It is wrong to think the current unrest paralysing the country is the consequence of dissatisfied Zuma supporters. On the contrary, that was simply the spark to ignite a situation TLU SA had been predicting for quite some time. The country’s unemployment rate stands at 43%. For people under 35, it is more than 46%. The ANC government created these socio-economic problems, and it will remain a problem until the principles for economic growth is in place.
“President Ramaphosa, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of each South African,” says Geldenhuys. “It is also the responsibility of the government to ensure a favourable environment for investment in the country. You are failing in your primary responsibility as the president of the country. The country is burning, and it is your fault. You should have ended policies like expropriation without compensation and affirmative action a long time ago. You should have firmly acted against corrupt politicians and officials as soon as it happened. Then there would have been stability in the country now.”
The current unrest already harmed the distribution of agricultural products. TLU SA predicts that the anarchy will lead to increased farm attacks and the destruction of farm products.
“We strongly oppose the barbarism in South Africa,” says Geldenhuys. “Civilised people do not turn to crime when they are dissatisfied.
“We urge every South African, but especially our agricultural members, to stay vigilant.”