
Netwerkprobleme kortwiek uitreiking van Lisensies

Netwerkprobleme skep diensprobleme met uitreiking van lisensies

Inwoners van Thabazimbi word in kennis gestel dat die Thabazimbi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se Lisensiërings-kantoor voortdurende tegniese netwerkskakeling probleme met die stelsel ondervind. Die probleme veroorsaak vertragings met voertuig registrasies asook hernuwing van voertuiglisensies.

Die probleem word veroorsaak deur tegniese probleme by die nasionale stelsel wat alle lisensiëringsdienste beïnvloed.

Die plaaslike kantoor is op ‘n gereelde basis in kontak met die Departement van Vervoer om te verseker dat hierdie saak die nodige aandag kry wat dit verdien.

Die munisipaliteit sal die publiek deur die plaaslike kommunikasie-platforms ingelig hou aangaande nuwe verwikkelings.

Die munisipaliteit doen ook ‘n beroep op die publiek om geduldig te wees aangesien hierdie probleme buite hulle beheer is.

Network problems hamper services at TLM Traffic Department

Residents are hereby notified that the Thabazimbi Local Municipality Licensing department is continuing to experience technical challenges which are related to connectivity to the system causing some delays with vehicle licensing and renewals.

This is due to technical problems with the national system which is slowing down all licensing services.

We are in regular contact with the Department of Transport to ensure that they are giving this matter the necessary attention it deserves.

On behalf of the municipality, we would like to apologise to the residents and users for the inconvenienced caused by this unforeseen problem.

We will further keep the public updated on our municipal platforms and through media channels regarding the new developments. In the meantime we appeal to all those requiring licensing services to be patient as these delays are beyond the control of the staff.

Issued by the TLM Communications Department