Top van die oes wenners
Die wenner van die gesogte Toyota SA/Agri SA se Jongboer van die Jaar-kompetisie is Donderdag, 18 November, tydens `n galadinee in Johannesburg aangewys. Die eer het Gerhard Bruwer (40) van die plaas Genade Boerdery in die Douglasdistrik in die Noord-Kaap toegeval.
Sy gediversifiseerde boerdery vertakkings sluit ondermeer in mielies, koring, gars, saadsonneblom, aartappels, lusern, pekanneute, beeste, uie, grondbone asook druiwe. Bruwer skryf sy sukses toe aan sy ondersteuningsnetwerk en sy plaaswerkers.
Die suksesvolle hops en proteaboer, Beverley Joseph van die plaas Zelpy naby George die Wes-Kaap, het die Toyota SA Nuweoes-toekenning ingepalm. Joseph het beskryf haar reis soos volg:
“My reis as ’n vrou of bruin persoon wat toegang tot hierdie bedryf probeer verkry, was moeilik, maar nie uniek nie.” Sy het voorts gesê dat haar liefde vir landbou dit nie moeilik maak om soggens op te staan en met haar dagtaak te begin nie.
Jaco Minnaar, president van Agri SA, het na afloop van die geleentheid gesê die deelnemers aan albei kompetisies is van hoogstaande gehalte en `n toonbeeld van die toekoms van landbou. Dit is vanjaar die sewentiende jaar dat die Jongboer-kompetisie deur Toyota SA geborg word.
Boere van 40 jaar en jonger wat minstens twee jaar lank `n opbetaalde lid van hul provinsiale landbou-organisasie is, kan inskryf. `n Wenner word uit elke provinsies gekies, waarna hulle finaliste is in die Jongboer van die Jaar-kompetisie.
Bruwer en Joseph het elkeen met `n splinternuwe Toyota Hilux-enkelkajuitbakkie weggery.
Volgens Minnaar word die beoordeling uiters professioneel gedoen. “Ons is baie trots op Bruwer. Al die deelnemers is jongboere om op trots te wees en ek doen `n beroep op hulle om hulself vorentoe beskikbaar te stel as leiers in die georganiseerde landbou en hul gemeenskappe,” het Minnaar gesê.
“Joseph se sukses is `n voorbeeld van wat deur harde werk en deursettingsvermoë bereik kan word. Dit is duidelik dat al die deelnemers aan die Jongboer- en Nuweoeskompetisies nie net werkskepper is nie, maar ook die belang van hulle werkers baie ernstig opneem.”
Bruwer is aktief betrokke by georganiseerde landbou. Hy dien op Douglas Landbouunie en Graan SA se hoofbesture. Hy is voorsitter van Graan SA se grondboonforum, dien op sy boerevereniging se bestuur, is deel van Douglas se jongboer en hy is lid van Oranjevaal se watervereniging se dagbestuur.
Bruwer is getroud met Liezel en hulle het drie kinders.
Top of the harvest winners
The winner of the prestigious Toyota SA/Agri SA Young Farmer of the Year competition was announced on Thursday, 18 November, at a gala dinner in Johannesburg. Gerhard Bruwer (40) of the farm Genade Boerdery in the Douglas district of the Northern Cape was named the winner.
His diversified farming operations include maize, wheat, barley, seed sunflower, potatoes, lucern, pecan nuts, cattle, onions, groundnuts and grapes. Bruwer attributed his success to his support network and farm workers.
The successful hops and protea farmer, Beverley Joseph of the farm Zeply near George in the Western Cape, received the Toyota SA New Harvest of the Year award.
“My journey as a woman or person of coulor trying to gain access to this industry was difficult, but not unique, said Joseph.” She further said that her love of agriculture does not make it difficult to get up in the morning and start her day job.
After the event, Agri SA president Jaco Minnaar said that the participants in both competitions were of a high quality and examples of what the future of agriculture looks like. Toyota SA has been sponsoring the Young Farmer competition for 17 years running.
Farmers up to 40 years who have been paid-up members of their provincial agricultural organisations for at least two years, are eligible. A winner is selected from each of the provinces, after which they are finalists in the Young Farmer of the Year competition.
Bruwer and Josephs each drove away in brand new Toyota Hilux single cab bakkies.
According to Minnaar, the adjudication was extremely professional.
“We are very proud of Bruwer. All the participants are young farmers whom we can be proud of, and I call on them to make themselves available in future to serve as leaders in organised agriculture and in their communities,” said Minnaar.
“Joseph’s success is an example of what can be achieved with hard work and perseverance. It is clear that all the participants in the Young Farmer and New Harvest competitions are not only job creators, but also take the interest of their workers very seriously.”
This young farmer is actively involved in organised agriculture. He serves on the executives of the Douglas farmers’ union and Grain SA. He also serves as chair of Grain SA’s groundnut forum, forms part of Douglas’s young farmer committee and is a member of the Oranjevaal water association’s executive committee.
Bruwer is married to Liezel and the couple have three children.