All aboard loveLife’s loveTrain – it’s full steam ahead!
THABAZIMBI – South Africa largest HIV/Aids prevention programme, loveLife is going mobile with its recently launched loveTrain, which will be chugging around the country spreading its message of sexually responsible behaviour to young people living in remote areas. The loveTrain is a portable Y-Centre that offers programmes to youth who climb on board for a once in a lifetime experience and from 15 till 21 August, this train will be at the Thabazimbi Station.
The programmes that will be facilitated by two trainers and groundBREAKERs, as well as four Mpintshis include Cyber-Ys; Radio-Ys; football-viewing lounges; Ultimate Dance; and Basketball. This means that computers, a youth-run radio station, as well as big screens for soccer matches will be made available to young people who live in the surrounding areas of the railway station in which the loveTrain docks.
“loveLife programmes are popular with young people and trains are a popular mode of transport for those living in township and rural areas. The connection was an obvious one and as such, we have created a vehicle for the purpose of transforming young people’s lives. loveLife’s overriding objective is to bring hope and positive lifestyle education to young people who live in remote areas, and it is for this reason that we refer to the loveTrain as the coach of hope,” says train manager, Walter Mbongolwane.
Be sure to visit the loveTrain while it is standing at Thabazimbi Station so that you, too, can join in the fun and games that loveLife’s purple coach is sure to offer. It will be docked for six days before moving on to its next port of call, so don’t miss out because its ultimate destination is an HIV-free future. All aboard the loveTrain of hope – it’s full steam ahead!!