
Unemployed? Now is the time to start building your own business

If you are young, unemployed, and feel that you lack the skills to ensure a bright future, the reality is: You are already self-employed. Let us explain why this is true:

There is help available locally that can assist you to move toward starting your own business and create a prosperous and fulfilled future.

The Training Skills Centre invites you to their Open Day on 11 May 2024 and welcomes all interested parties (especially young, unemployed job seekers) to attend this exciting event taking place right here in Thabazimbi (in the workshop behind MBT filling station, corner of Warmbad Drive and Eland Road).

This incentive is aimed at alleviating poverty by offering courses with assistance by our sponsors, for the young and unemployed, including other interested parties.


This facility kicks off with basic one-day courses in both petrol and diesel trades starting right at the beginning, where students will learn about the workings of motor car and truck engines.

Future plans include specialist courses such as common rail diesel, electronic fuel injection, ignitions systems, sensors, electronics auto-electrician and other trades associated with these vehicles.

Additional courses will include skills applicable to small farming practices for households to produce essential foodstuff including easy and practical ways to cultivate potatoes using recycled empty maze (mieliemeel) bags.

Eco Group Africa, in co-operation with Tradewise Africa, is the main drive behind this skills development programme in Thabazimbi, as they have a keen interest in developing the youth in our community, specifically those who find themselves unemployed.

This initiative will lead to the unlocking of practical training opportunities in the workshops and on sustained running of your own small enterprise.

There is a plea to business and other sectors in our community to support this initiative as sponsors. This in turn will help to support resource-challenged students and contribute to the necessary infrastructure and equipment needed for the presentation of these courses.

If you are interested to become involved in this initiative, or would like to support the project through sponsorship, please contact Dr Wilhelm Schack at (083) 301-8119 for further information.

Dan is dit tyd om aan jou eie besigheid te begin bou

As jy jonk en werkloos is, en voel dat jy die vaardighede kortkom om ‘n blink toekoms te verseker, besef net die volgende realiteit: Jy is reeds selfstandig.

Laat ons verduidelik:

Plaaslik in Thabazimbi, is hulp beskikbaar wat jou kan help om jou eie besigheid ʼn werklikheid te maak en ‘n voorspoedige en vervulde toekoms vir jouself te skep.

Die Opleidingsvaardighede-sentrum nooi jou uit na hul Opedag op 11 Mei 2024 en verwelkom alle belangstellendes (veral jong, werklose werksoekers) om hierdie opwindende geleentheid by te woon.

Die Opedag word hier op Thabazimbi in die werkswinkel agter die MBT-vulstasie, hoek van Warmbadrylaan en Elandweg, aangebied.

Tydens die Opedag sal inligting gerig op die verligting van armoede deur die aanbieding van vaardigheids-kursusse, verskaf word.

Die vaardigheidsopleiding-fasiliteit gaan met basiese een-dag kursusse in beide die petrol- en dieseldryf afskop, reg van die begin begin af, waar studente sal leer oor die werking van motor- en trok-enjins.

Toekomstige planne sluit spesialis kursusse soos algemene spoor-diesel, elektroniese brandstofinspuiting, ontstekingstelsels, sensors, elektronika vir die outo-elektrisiën en ander beroepe wat met hierdie voertuie geassosieer word in.

Addisionele kursusse sal vaardighede insluit wat van toepassing is op klein boerderypraktyke vir huishoudings om noodsaaklike voedselsoorte te produseer, insluitend maklike en praktiese maniere om aartappels te verbou met behulp vann herwinde leë mielie(meel) sakke.

Eco Group Africa, in samewerking met Tradewise Africa, is die hoofdrywers agter hierdie vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram in Thabazimbi, aangesien hulle ‘n groot belang het in die ontwikkeling van die jeug in ons gemeenskap, spesifiek dié wat hulleself werkloos bevind.

Hierdie inisiatief sal lei tot die ontsluiting van praktiese opleidingsgeleenthede in die werkswinkels en die volhoubare bedryf van jou eie klein onderneming.

Daar is ‘n pleidooi aan besighede en ander sektore in ons gemeenskap om hierdie inisiatief as borge te ondersteun.

Dit sal op sy beurt help om hulpbron-uitgedaagde studente te ondersteun en by te dra tot die nodige infrastruktuur en om toerusting wat vir die aanbieding van hierdie kursusse benodig word, aan te skaf.

As jy belangstel om betrokke te raak by hierdie inisiatief, of die projek wil ondersteun deur borgskap, kontak asseblief dr Wilhelm Schack by (083) 301-8119 vir verdere inligting.

Previous workshop for cultivating vegetables on your own property
Vorige werkswinkel vir die kweek van groente op jou standplaas