Sale in Execution: Municipal valuation: R3,5 Million
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Eksekusie-Verkoping van eiendom in die saak tussen Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Beperk (eiser) en Pieter Coetzee / Moneyline 115 Verweerder, Erf 158 Thabazimbi ook bekend as Tweedelaan 17 Thabazimbi, sal op Vrydag 24 November 2023 by die kantoor van die Balju te Steenbokstraat 10 om 09:00 plaasvind.
Building will be sold with no reserve
– Short term insurance valuation (2016): R7,3 million
– Bank Valuation (Standard Bank on Sell Easy Application) apparently only R1,5 million
– where did the rest go?
Outstanding amount after sale
(about R2,5 million – mostly interest – money on paper) will still be to the account of the defendant – What a shame!!
Voorwaardes van verkoping / Conditions of Sale – Contact the Sheriff – 10 Steenbokstreet Thabazimbi.
Registrasiefooi van R40 000 betaalbaar voor die verkoping. Registrasie sluit om 09:00 die dag van die verkoping.
Die eiendom word sonder reswaarde verkoop en die bod sal op R1 000 (een duisend rand) begin – Met ander woorde, eiendom het geen waarde (vir die eiser) sover dit die verkoping aangaan nie.
Meer inligting aangaande die verkoopvoorwaardes en aanvullende kostes voor die verkoping ter insae by die Balju kantoor Steenbokstraat 10 Thabazimbi.
Beskrywing/Description: Sonering/Zoning: Besigheid 2 met toevoeging van Drukkery
Die Ou gebou wat sedert 1995 2016 en sedert 2010 tot Maart 2016 onderskeidelik die tuistes was van Kwêvoël en Moredou Drukkers, asook van Dewside Brouery, Kroeg en Restaurant, Maak deel uit van erf 158 Thabazimbi.
Bykans vir dertig jaar die tuiste en huis van Kwêvoël – besighede en gesin.
Double story building consisting of 800 sq meters in Thabazimbi (17 Second Avenue Thabazimbi).
Concrete beam construction on both levels with concrete floors and brick filling. IBR roof completely redone with approved repairs to trusses and new IBR sheeting (about 20 years ago).
Set on 1126 sq meters of land, the garden contains an additional braai area with cozy lapa as well as an enclosed shade netting-roof garden and big thatch-roofed jacuzzi. This building is part home, part restaurant / bar, and part office space and workshop. This building used to be the home of Dewside Restaurant and Brewery as well as offices and printshop for Die Kwêvoël newspaper and Moredou Drukkers. The building is currently divided up into the areas listed below but can be transformed into a luxury home or into large office space / flats. Professional garden layout with braai-area as well as undercover jacuzzi. All paved open spaces.
Upper level (Street level)
- Office / Shop space – Four separate offices on street level with reception, toilet and mini kitchen about 140 sq m
- Shop about 40 sq m – used to be Dewside Brewery
- Function/Events/Conference area with mini-conference room, kitchen area and toilets (2 levels) about 250 sq m
- 1-Room flat about 50 sq m with jacuzzi bath* and own outside entrance from lower level – *as was the case when building was abandoned.
- Separate power supply – 3-phase connection
Lower level
- Cellar – Dewside Bar & Restaurant / Bar / Kitchen / Entertainment area / Storeroom
- Additional store room with separate entrance – Connected to upper level offices
- 2 x lower level outside toilets
- 0ne room flat with separate entrance
Photographs may not convey the current situation as the building had to be abandoned due to no water and electricity. This also include the electrical circuits which were approved during 2016 at the stage when the business closed down and the building was put up for sale. Equipment, loose assets including furniture and fittings sold in 2016 in trying to keep up with the payments due to impossible business account demands. Some of the photos depict situation when the businesses were still operational.
Photos do not reflect the current condition of the property – It is mere to illustrate what it was and what it could be.

800 sqm – Can easily be converted into a Guest House