
Agri SA ondersteun sy lede se optrede teen misdaad

Agri SA sê in ‘n mediaverklaring dat dié organisasie sal steeds uitgesproke bly oor die voortdurende gewelddadige aanvalle op lede van die boerderygemeenskap asook die toenemende voorkoms van misdaad wat ook mede Suid-Afrikaners daagliks terroriseer.

Die aandag is vandag al meer gefokus op die misdade en gemeenskappe het daarteen opgestaan en laat hulle stemme nou hoor. “Die landbougemeenskap sal in die volgende dae op verskeie maniere weer hulle stem laat hoor wanneer daar in provinsiale verband aksies geloods word teen geweld op plase, die teenstaan van borg vir vermeende misdadigers van plaasaanvalle en ondersteuning vir die polisie in hulle pogings om plaasaanvalle te bekamp.

Die pogings word verwelkom om verdere bewustheid te skep en die aandag te vestig op die vernietigende uitwerking wat die misdade het op die boerderygemeenskap as produseerders van ons land se voedsel en die bydrae wat hulle tot die ekonomie maak,” sê Tommie Esterhuyse, voorsitter van Agri SA se Sentrum van Uitnemendheid Landelike Veiligheid.

Teen-landelike misdaadoptredes word beplan deur Agri Noord-Kaap, Vrystaat Landbou en Kwanalu, almal affiliasies van Agri SA. Dit is alles weldeurdagte en goed beplande optredes wat op ‘n verantwoordelike wyse en binne die landswette uitgevoer sal word.

“Agri SA ondersteun die optrede van sy lede-organisasies ten volle. Dit is spontane optredes van lede om weereens die erns van plaasaanvalle en geweldsmisdaad in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te beklemtoon en om hulle misnoeë daarmee uit te spreek,” sê Esterhuyse.

Agri SA sal ter ondersteuning van die inisiatiewe voortgaan om deur gesprekke met die polisie gepaste maatreëls in plek te stel om landelike veiligheid te verbeter soos die meer effektiewe implementering van die Hersiene Landelike Beveiliging Strategie. Die onlangse aankondiging van die Nasionale Kommissaris van Polisie dat taakspanne in sommige brandpuntgebiede ontplooi gaan word om misdaad te bekamp ‘n stap in die regte rigting.

Agri SA verwelkom ook die aankondiging van die polisie om gesamentlike werkgroepe te vestig om ondersoek in te stel na die hulpbron behoeftes van die strategie, die daarstel van ‘n reservistestelsel waaraan die boerderygemeenskap met groter vrymoedigheid kan deelneem en werkbare oplossings te vind vir die probleem met byvoorbeeld die onwettige jag met honde.

“Ons is gereed om met die polisie saam te werk en so spoedig moontlik oplossings te vind,” het Esterhuyse gesê. Esterhuyse sê, “die boerderygemeenskap moet nie moedeloos raak vir al die uitdagings waarmee hulle daagliks te make het nie. Ons het ‘n belangrike taak en ‘n positiewe rol om te vervul in landsbelang.

Agri SA het ook waardering vir elke lid se rol om binne eie strukture ‘n bydrae te maak tot landelike veiligheid”.

Agri SA supports its members’ actions against crime

Agri SA says the organisation will remain outspoken regarding the ongoing attacks on members of the farming community, as well as the rising incidence of crime terrorising our fellow South Africans daily.

Today the focus is on these crimes, with communities now taking a stand and making their voices heard. “The agricultural community will over the next day’s make their voices heard in various ways, protesting within provincial context against violence on farms, opposing bail for suspected perpetrators of farm attacks and expressing support for the police in their efforts to curb such attacks.

These efforts are welcomed as they create further awareness of and draw attention to the devastating impact that crime has on the farming communities who produce food for the country and contribute towards the economy,” said Tommie Esterhuyse, chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety.

The actions against rural crime are planned by Agri SA’s affiliates, Agri Northern Cape, Free State Agriculture and Kwanalu. This forms part of well-considered and well-planned actions that will be conducted in a responsible manner and in compliance with the law. “Agri SA fully supports the actions by its member organisations.

These are spontaneous actions by members to once again draw attention to the seriousness of farm attacks and violent crime in their respective communities and to express their condemnation in this regard,” said Esterhuyse. In support of these initiatives, Agri SA will continue to engage with the police to introduce appropriate measures to improve rural safety, such as the more effective implementation of the Revised Rural Safety Strategy.

The recent announcement by the National Commissioner of Police that task teams would be deployed at certain hotspots to combat crime, is a step in the right direction. Agri SA also welcomed the announcement by the police that joint working groups would be appointed to look at the resources needed to implement the strategy, finalise a reservist system, which will make it easier for the farming community to participate and to seek workable solutions to the problem such as the illegal hunting with dogs. “We are prepared to work with the police in an effort to find solutions as soon as possible,” said Esterhuyse.

Esterhuyse said, “the farming community should not give up despite the many challenges they contend with every day. We have an important task and a positive role to play in the country’s interest.

Agri SA appreciates the contribution that every member makes towards rural safety within their own structures”.