Wian Süllwald bekroon as TLU SA Jongboer van die Jaar 2024
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Wian Süllwald, ‘n 31-jarige boer van Bela-Bela in die Waterberg-distrik, is op 4 September tydens die TLU SA Kongres 2024 by die WNNR met groot trots aangewys as die TLU SA Jongboer van die Jaar 2024. Hierdie prestasie is besonder merkwaardig, aangesien Süllwald die eerste varkboer is wat TLU SA se Jongboerkompetisie wen.
Süllwald, wat saam met sy vrou Irmarie op die familieplaas woon, beskik oor hoë kwalifikasies in Ekonomie en Besigheidsbestuur, asook Astro Forex Training. Hy is al vier jaar lank aktief in die boerderybedryf en werk nou saam met sy pa en oom om die familieplaas te bestuur.
Sy verantwoordelikhede op die plaas is wyd en strek van die daaglikse bestuur en produksiebestuur en die teel van vervangingsdiere. Hy fokus ook op die instandhouding van gesondheid en kwaliteitstandaarde. Süllwald se boerderybedrywighede sluit varkproduksie, vleisbeeste, ‘n liefde vir perde en gewassevooruitskatting in. RK Boerdery het selfs aandele in ‘n vark-abattoir.
As die wenner van hierdie jaarlikse kompetisie deur TLU SA het Süllwald aansienlike pryse ontvang, insluitend ‘n bakkie wat vir ‘n jaar geborg word deur Hatfield Motor Group, ‘n reis na Parys geborg deur Manitou, en kontantpryse geborg deur Santam. Hy het ook ‘n boek ontvang, geborg deur Lig in Duisternis Uitgewers.
Süllwald se reaksie op sy oorwinning is een van nederigheid en dankbaarheid. “Dit is ‘n groot eer om te wen, veral as ek dink aan my pa en oom wat ‘n groot rol in my sukses gespeel het. Ek is ‘n produk van hul handewerk, en ek is dankbaar vir hulle as my mentors.”. Hy het ook die borge bedank vir hul bydraes tot die kompetisie en genoem dat hy reeds die bakkie wat hy gewen het, met trots bestuur.
Wian sien uit na sy besoek aan die Manitou-fabriek in Frankryk volgende jaar en is opgewonde om die produksie van masjinerie van naderby te beleef. Hy het ook van die prysgeld, wat hy van Santam ontvang het, weggesit vir sy vrou, Irmarie, sodat sy hom op hierdie avontuur kan vergesel.
Met ‘n agtergrond in professionele sport is Wian van nature kompeterend, maar hy erken dat daar ander jong boere is wat ook goed presteer. Sy boodskap aan mede-jongboere is: “Raak betrokke by georganiseerde landbou en reik uit na kundiges. Boerdery gaan vandag oor meer as net die praktiese aspekte daarvan. Leer by ouer of medeboere en maak ‘n verskil waar jy kan.”
Wian is vasberade om landbou te bevorder en ‘n verskil te maak waar hy kan, veral in die varkindustrie. “My hande staan oop om landbou te promoveer en mense kundig te maak. Dit is belangrik om ‘n bydrae te lewer,” sluit hy af.

Wian Süllwald named TLU SA Young Farmer of the Year 2024
Wian Süllwald, a 31-year-old farmer from Bela-Bela in the Waterberg district, was proudly named TLU SA’s Young Farmer of the Year 2024 on 4 September during the TLU SA Congress 2024 at the CSIR. This achievement is particularly remarkable as Süllwald is the first pig farmer to win TLU SA’s Young Farmer competition. Süllwald, who lives on the family farm with his wife Irmarie, holds high qualifications in Economics and Business Management, as well as Astro Forex Training. He has been actively involved in the farming industry for four years, working closely with his father and uncle to manage the family farm. His responsibilities on the farm are extensive, ranging from daily management and production oversight to breeding replacement animals. He also focuses on maintaining health and quality standards. Süllwald’s farming operations include pig production, beef cattle, a love for horses, and crop forecasting. RK Boerdery even holds shares in a pig abattoir. As the winner of this annual competition by TLU SA, Süllwald received substantial prizes, including a bakkie sponsored for a year by Hatfield Motor Group, a trip to Paris sponsored by Manitou, and cash prizes sponsored by Santam. He also received a book sponsored by Lig in Duisternis Uitgewers. Süllwald’s reaction to his victory was one of humility and gratitude. “It’s a great honour to win, especially when I think of my father and uncle, who played a major role in my success. I am a product of their craftsmanship, and I am grateful to them as my mentors.” He also thanked the sponsors for their contributions to the competition and mentioned that he is already proudly driving the bakkie he won. Wian looks forward to his visit to the Manitou factory in France next year and is excited to witness the production of machinery up close. He has also set aside some of the prize money he received from Santam for his wife, Irmarie, so she can join him on this adventure. With a background in professional sports, Wian is naturally competitive, but he acknowledges that there are other young farmers who are also excelling. His message to fellow young farmers is: “Get involved in organised agriculture and reach out to experts. Farming today is about more than just the practical aspects. Learn from older or fellow farmers and make a difference where you can.” Wian is determined to promote agriculture and make a difference wherever he can, especially in the pig industry. “My hands are open to promote agriculture and educate people. It’s important to make a contribution,” he concludes. |