Ladies Night with Storm in a F-cup Bra-vades
Debra is 40-something and she’s been kissed before…. But why don’t they stay!?
She wants to know what she’s doing wrong because she’ll change, she’ll do whatever it takes.
Ever wondered what your bra would say if it could talk… you’re about to find out! Debra’s dating disasters are relayed by her… well… bra – Find out what her bra told her at the KunsteGrot Thabazimbi on Friday 12 July at 19:00
With Jazz standards like “At last” to disco hits “I will survive” this rambunctious musical cabaret directed by Thomas Barlow, starring Michelle Botha, from “Getroud met Rugby” and more recently – “Binnelanders” will have you tearing up and rolling in the isle with laughter.
The show will be performed bilingual (Afrikaans-English) and runs for 60 minute and has an age restriction of 16.
With this an invitation to our English speaking ladies to get your group together and book your table for a fun-filled evening. Pack your picnic basket together with your drinks and enjoy the show.
Tickets are R130 per person, and remember – no U-16’s.
Should you wish to drag hubby along – he is welcome, just get him past your lady friends.
For bookings contact Rita at 083 744 8559.
Debra is êrens naby 40… en het al haar aandeel in verhoudings verdien. Maar hoekom hardloop hul altyd weg? Sy wil weet wat sy verkeerd doen want sy sal verander, sy sal enige iets doen!
Het jy al gewonder wat jou bra sou sê as sy kon praat? Wel jy gaan nou uitvind. Debra se bravades word verklap deur haar…wel…bra – Kom vind saam met haar uit wat haar bra vir haar te sê het op Vrydag 12 Julie om 19:00 by die KunsteGrot.
Met jazz nommers soos “At last” deur tot disko treffers soos “I will survive” beloof hierdie rumoerige komiese kabaret om jou in medelye te laat skaterlag.
Michelle Botha van Getroud met Rugby en meer onlangs Binnelanders is Debra en regie gedoen deur Thomas Barlow. Die vertoning is 60 minute lank met ‘n ouderdomsbeperking van 16.
Dames, maak gerus julle groepie bymekaar en bespreek ’n tafel. Pak daai piekniekmandjie met julle kos en drankies, sit agteroor en geniet die vertoning.
Kaartjies is R130 per persoon en as manlief wil saamkom is hy welkom, kry hom net self verby jou vriendinne. Onthou – Geen O-16’s.
Vir besprekings kontak Rita by 083 744 8559.