
Comprehensive plan requested for landfill site

THABAZIMBI – In last week’s edition of Kwêvoël, an article was published regarding the local landfill site after various complaints from the community were received about the state of the site. According to the Head of Waste, Mr Julian Nkoana, “the landfill is operated and in as far as payments are concerned, the service provider always gets his money in time. The Municipality is due to appoint a contractor on a three year contract for the maintenance and operation of landfill sites. Tender has been advertised and evaluation will be done during this week.”

On Thursday, 27 June, Kwêvoël’s photographer was refused entry to the landfill site by the guard at the landfill site gate, in no uncertain terms. Kwêvoël reported the site to Afriforum’s Julius Kleynhans: Head of Environmental Affairs. Afriforum submitted a letter to the municipality in which they request a comprehensive plan on what steps the municipality will take to fix the problems addresses before Wednesday 3 July 2013.

Some of the issues they raised were: that the landfill site be operated legally with a licence, that adequate security be provided, that access control be implemented, proper signage, that no tyres are dumped, that refuse be covered by soil on a daily basis, that the health and safety of the community be protected, that no people be allowed to reclaim on the site without a proper plan and employment, that a proper perimeter fence be implemented and that the road be maintained and cleaned.

26-asgate opvolg

Thabazimbi landfill site is operated without a contractor. No tender has been awarded for the maintenance and operation of the site.