
Liquor license, application process and compliance outlined to Municipal councillors

In conjunction with the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Limpopo on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 an information session on the Liquor License application process and compliance was held in the Municipal chamber. The workshop was opened by Mayor Patricia Mosito, who made an appeal to all attendees to make sure that the matter is spread to all community members.

The LEDET Liquor Regulations Services Unit regularly conducts awareness sessions in communities, with Community Police Forums, Ward Councillors and the South African Police Services. During these sessions, the Liquor Authority informs attendees on matters relating to liquor regulation and addresses any concerns that may arise.

But this time the focus was on councilors so that they in turn go out to their various wards to spread the message. Councillors were also requested to monitor the usage of unlicensed shebeens that are operating within their wards and the municipality. That will be in conjunction with ward committee and CPFs.

The process of ranging from application, application forms, trading hours, objections, petitions or representatives and all relevant processes and procedures was outlined to councilors and all attendees. It further indicated that liquor license is only applicable to formal structures. There also challenges highlighted after license issued to by some traders. Failure by community leaders and community members to report irresponsible liquor trading. Community leaders are sometimes reluctance to appear before the Liquor Board after reporting matters of irregularity to the Board.

Furthermore, it was mentioned that the holders of a liquor license should ensure that they play their music for patrons on their licensed premises and not to be a nuisance to the neighbouring communities. In conclusion, Cllr AR Ramogale thanked all attendees and members from LEDET and make commitment that the issue of liquor will be taken seriously and that more sessions will be carried out by all councillors and ward committees in various wards.

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Thabazimbi Municipality councilors with officials from LEDET during liquor license information session held 19 March 2013.