
Kumba’s Christmas wishes 2012

This year has been a very eventful year for Kumba Iron Ore, Thabazimbi Mine. At the end of 2012 the mine will reach the end of the five year period of the Social and Labour Plan (SLP) from 2008 to 2012. Although the SLP is a prerequisite from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), one of Thabazimbi Mine’s objectives is to ensure the contribution to the community is not limited to the targets that the DMR has set. We have had a very fruitful relationship with the local municipality to ensure the mine’s social development focus is aligned with that of the community.

Some of the highlights of 2012 include the opening of the Thabazimbi Wellness Centre. In addition to providing services to the mine’s employees and contractors in partnership with the Department of Health the centre extends services to the community. The services include educating the community about health related issues. Other projects include the Raphuthi de-bushing project, the Butterfield Bakery owned by community member of Thabazimbi Municipality.

Kumba Iron Ore, Thabazimbi Mine, has also contributed to empowering the community through the Itireleng Skills centre where community members can gain skills in welding, brick laying, sowing and jewellery making. The mine supports the Department of Education to ensure that learners have the needed facilities to assist them in reaching their goals, such as the science laboratory donated to Mabogopedi High School and a play ground donated to van Wykskraal Primary School.

All the Local Economic Development projects and Social projects would have not happened without our relationship with stakeholders like the Thabazimbi Municipality, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Social Development and most importantly the community of Thabazimbi. Thabazimbi Mine would like to extend gratitude to the community members for contributing to the mine’s success.

Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year. Kumba Iron Ore, Thabazimbi Mine, wishes you health and happiness throughout the coming year.

Cornelia Holtzhausen, General Manager: Kumba Iron Ore, Thabazimbi Mine.