
Landbou ‘n voorkeursektor

Huidige markomstandighede skep vertroue vir investering in die landbou en finansiële instellings beskou die landbou tans as een van hul voorkeursektore.  Hierdie siening word gedeel deur Agri SA en Agbiz wat ‘n gesprek met verteenwoordigers van die vier groot handelsbanke se landbou-afdelings oor landbou-finansieringsaangeleenthede gefasiliteer het.

Tydens die gesprek is die makro-ekonomiese omstandighede waarbinne die landbou funksioneer in oënskou geneem asook die relatiewe gunstige produksie- en markomstandighede van die afgelope vyf jaar wat die landbou se winsgewendheid en bategroei gerugsteun het.  Terwyl die oorhoofse finansiële posisie van die landbou gunstig is, is daar nogtans sekere bedryfsvertakkinge en streke wat onder druk verkeer.  Dié organisasies en handelsbanke beskou dit egter as uitsonderings wat nie die algemene optimisme oor die bedryf se vooruitsigte demp nie.

Verteenwoordigers van die handelsbanke het saamgestem dat hulle graag met boere oor hul kort- en langtermyn sakeplanne sal wil gesels en dat finansiering geredelik beskikbaar is, insluitend vir grond wat aan restitusie-eise onderhewig is, maar uiteraard aan die gewone norme van terugbetaalvermoë en sekerheidstelling moet kan voldoen.  Teen dié agtergrond bly die handhawing van billike markwaarde van grond ‘n belangrike voorwaarde vir vertroue by beide finansierders en beleggers in die landbou.


Agriculture a preferred sector


Current market conditions instil confidence for investment in agriculture, and financial institutions consider agriculture as one of their preferred sectors. This view is shared by Agri SA and Agbiz, which had facilitated a meeting with representatives of the agriculture divisions of the four major commercial banks to discuss matters relating to agricultural financing.

During the discussions, the macro-economic conditions under which agriculture functions were considered, as well as the relatively favourable production and market conditions of the past five years which were supportive of profitability and asset growth within the sector. While the overall financial position of agriculture is favourable, there are nevertheless certain commodity branches and regions which remain under pressure. The above organisations and commercial banks, however, regard these as exceptions which do not detract from the general optimism regarding the industry’s prospects.

Representatives of the commercial banks invited farmers to discuss with them their short- and long-term business plans and gave assurance that financing was readily available, including for farms claimed under the restitution programme.  Applicants will obviously have to comply with normal criteria such as repayment ability and surety. Against this background, the fair market value of land remains an important prerequisite in creating confidence on the part of both financiers and investors in agriculture.