
Health rated below zero

The Department of Health and Social Development (DHSD), rated worst by opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA) in its annual Cabinet Report Card, has not taken the poor score sitting down.

In a media statement issued on Monday the department responded that it was succeeding in its mandate.

“The DHSD is succeeding in forging ahead with the implementation of its mandate of improving health care, contributing to the millennium development goals of halving poverty by 2014 as well as bringing about a better life for our people in Limpopo and elsewhere,” the statement read.

Though not disputing any of the facts the rating was based on, it continued to say: “This evidence, which is available for scrutiny, sharply contrasts with the DA’s unscientific conclusions which are dubious as they are clearly shrouded in a narrow opposition politics agenda.”

Presenting the report during a media briefing session at its provincial office on Monday, the DA placed the DHSD at the rear end of the performance list and humbled it with a horrible rating of minus one, three points down from last year’s rating and two places below the second worst-rated department, Education.

Despite the department’s recent administration split, which will see it appointing a second head of department (HOD), DA Provincial Leader Desiree van der Walt was not moved and said so long as MEC, Ms Merriam Segabutla is at the helm, the department would not shape up.

“If she cannot handle one HOD, how is she going to handle two of them,” she said, outlining the factors that influenced the poor rating.

“If I were this MEC, I’d resign myself. I’d be too ashamed to show my face in the office,” she added.

The department’s qualified audit report opinion, R18 million wasteful, irregular, fruitless and unauthorised expenditure and more than 50% staff vacancy were among the many things Van der Walt mentioned as contributing factors. Other factors that contributed to the mediocre rating was the doubled vacancy rate in the health part of the department and failure to respond to any of the 20 parliamentary questions posed upon it.

“This MEC is under investigation by the Public Protector for tender irregularities. She is being probed for allegedly awarding tenders worth about R16 million to her cronies. This despite the fact that, according to the initial contract, the deal was to have no financial implications for the department. This on its own is sufficient ground for her axing,” Van der Walt said.

She said she would write to Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi to ask him to intervene in the department. – LiN Nuus/Polokwane Observer

Lesetja Malope