TCS Private School and the story of Moses

THABAZIMBI – The TCS Private School in Thabazimbi held their annual school concert on Thursday 18 November 2010.
The concert dealt with the story of Moses from the Bible, from his birth, when he was secretly hidden away in the swamp and found by the princess, his rise to be God’s chosen deliverer of the Israelites in Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea up until the moment the 10 commandments were written by God.
All the children of TCS school took part in the concert, from the smallest children which took the part of sheep, to the oldest which were singers and dancers.
According to concert goers, the children’s acting was excellent. The frogs that were part of the 10 plagues, the slaves that were beaten by the Pharaohs’ men as well as the performances from the 10 commandments-scene were amazing and well acted. The children’s parents enjoyed the concert for which the little actors received a standing ovation after the last scene.