Child Protection Week makes impact
THABAZIMBI – This year a sum total of 6500 children were reached during Child Protection Week.
The campaign was run by Thabazimbi’s Child Protection CARE (Consider All, Remember Everyone) Group. It is a working committee which was created through the facilitation of the Thabazimbi SAVF office.
Altogether 14 junior schools (4500 children) and 16 crèches were visited. A puppet show was performed and this year’s theme was substance abuse, personal health and road safety. An average of 2000 seniors were reached by means of presentations and talks at three high schools.
Substance abuse and child pornography was the topic of a radio talk programme on Thaba Stereo during which Jessey Lang interviewed Detective Captain Colin Morris from Randburg Child Protection Unit. In this way members of the community were also reached during Child Protection Week.
During Child Protection Week several coin collections were held. A total of about R11 850 was collected. In addition 1 300 tins of food were donated to the SAVF.
Soup was distributed to learners at some schools. The CARE group also distributed pamphlets, posters, stickers, sweets, oranges, puzzles, teddy bears and stationery.
Hennie Pauw