Thabazimbi Municipality General Workers Day

THABAZIMBI – The Thabazimbi Municipality celebrated General Workers Day on Thursday 23 September 2010. The purpose of having such a day in the Municipality is to give support to our General Workers who spend eight hours working under difficult conditions and lend a helping hand. These employees work under the following conditions, sunlight, rain, landfill and wastewater odours, dangerous reptiles etcetera. Further more is to say that in light of the above conditions, “we care for you”. Senior and Middle Management, ranging from Accountant, Credit Controllers, Fleet Management, PMS Coordinators, Divisional Heads and all Section 57 Managers, participated in General Workers Day. They exposed themselves to these conditions in order to improve the General Workers working conditions, and will be held once a month.
The General Workers Day was a success and it ended with a “braai” for everyone. The following senior officials took part, the Mayor, Cllr NL Matlou – Repair of water pipes and Parks, Manager Technical Services, CG Booysen – Repair of water pipes, Chief Financial Officer, B Mothogoane – Stores, Manager Corporate Services, MD Lottering – Refuse Removal, Manager Social Services, PG Rasesepa – Refuse Removal, Manager Planning and Economic Development, MS Mabitsela – Parks and Municipal Manager, TSR Nkhumise – Parks.
Thabazimbi Municipality would like to thank all the officials for their contributions.
In the next campaign which will be on 20 October 2010, an invitation is extended to Councillors and members of the Public to follow suite.
Joshua Motsomane