
Fruit parcels for recovering patients

Sunday School learners and educators of URCSA visited the children’s’ ward of the Bela-Bela State Hospital. On the photo, Relebogile Mashamaite gives a patient a fruit parcel.

BELA-BELA – The Sunday School educators and learners of the Thabazimbi Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa, visited Bela Bela State Hospital on 29 August 2010.

They attended the Church service from 08:00 – 10:00 after which they visited the Children’s’ ward of the Hospital. The URCSA Sunday School learners, lead by educators’ ms GH Gqezengele, ms CA Sebonego, ms CSM Letlape and ms NC Majapholsang, sang Christian hymns and worship choruses to the patients, prayed for them and gave them fruit parcels. The Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika) was formed by the union of the black and coloured “Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk” mission churches.