
Community participation requested at IDP meetings

THABAZIMBI – For the next week public participation meetings on the Thabazimbi Municipality’s IDP (Integrated Development Plan) are held throughout the district.

The public, stakeholders, ratepayers, businesses and NGO’s are invited to attend. These meetings provide the opportunity to all residents to submit any input (whether question, request or complaint) regarding matters which will impact on the municipal budget for the next financial year.

During the past week the Analysis Phase of the IDP took place within the Municipality with councillors and sector departments. The first of the public participation meetings was held on Thursday (yesterday) in Northam.

On Saturday 28 November (tomorrow) a meeting will be held in Rooiberg at 10:00 at the Rooiberg Community Hall. On Tuesday 1 December a meeting takes place at the Regorogile Community Hall at 17:30 and at Ipelegeng on Wednesday 2 December at the Community Hall at 17:30.

On Thursday 3 December farmers and Thabazimbi town residents are invited to the IDP meeting in the Trollope Hall at 17:30.

Jan Viljoen, chairman of the Thabazimbi Chairpersons Forum has urged residents and important stakeholders to attend the IDP meetings. According to him it will be ineffective to criticize the Municipality on next year’s budget if the public does not attend and provide input. If the people don’t attend these meetings it will mean that the Municipality is not informed of the needs of the people in its district.

On Sunday 6 December a last public meeting will be held at Rooibokkraal at Sekgweng Intermediate School at 10:00

Hennie Pauw