
Legae la Bona Crèche up and running

Hennie Pauw
MAKOPPA – Altogether 15 preschoolers have joined the Legae la Bona Crèche, situated on the property of Roux Engineering, which is now up and running five days a week.
Legae la Bona is a charity organization which supports and uplifts the farm working community in the Makoppa region. It is mostly privately funded.
For the crèche, a container is used as a class room and has been adapted to specifications.
The two teachers responsible for the youngsters’ early training are Esther Laka and Thabiso Mathlodi. Esther is a volunteer. The children are taught songs, bible and other stories, play organized games, colour in and draw. They are also taught to count.

Hennie Pauw

MAKOPPA – Altogether 15 preschoolers have joined the Legae la Bona Crèche, situated on the property of Roux Engineering, which is now up and running five days a week.

Legae la Bona is a charity organization which supports and uplifts the farm working community in the Makoppa region. It is mostly privately funded.

For the crèche, a container is used as a class room and has been adapted to specifications.

The two teachers responsible for the youngsters’ early training are Esther Laka and Thabiso Mathlodi. Esther is a volunteer. The children are taught songs, bible and other stories, play organized games, colour in and draw. They are also taught to count.