
No local businesses at road sign meeting

This is an example of pole frames which, Thabazimbi Municipality proposes, should be used for road side advertising.
This is an example of pole frames which, Thabazimbi Municipality proposes, should be used for road side advertising.

Hennie Pauw

THABAZIMBI – Local businesses must not complain if they do not like the new look which is planned for Thabazimbi by the Municipality.
At a very poor attended meeting Wednesday 9 September at the Library Hall, it was decided that if the involvement and participation of local businesses does not improve a proposal of the Municipality will be accepted regarding the road side signs. All illegal signs, which 90% of the road side signs currently are, will be removed by 30 September.
The municipality’s proposal entails the appointment of a service provider, possibly from Gauteng, which will put up standard pole frames in the road reserve, which can be rented by local businesses. A percentage of the nett rental will be paid over to the municipality.
According to Johnny Motaung (Protection Service, Thabazimbi  Municipality) he had hoped to make the process an inclusive one by including all businesses in Rooiberg, Northam, Kromdraai, Leeupoort and Thabazimbi. However the turn out at the last meeting was so poor, that he is considering taking the matter into his own hands and taking a decision without further consultation.
He was persuaded, though, to hold a last public meeting on Wednesday 7 October at 10:00 in the Thabazimbi Library Hall.
Objections to the Municipality’s proposal stem from concerns that outside service providers may not necessarily take the unique attractions of Thabazimbi into account and plan around that. Another concern is that all possible effort will not go into canvassing local businesses to advertise, but national companies to make sure the service (of providing advertisement space) is paid for.
A suggestion was made by Liezie le Roux, one of the three attendants of the meeting, that a consultant is brought in to give professional advice. The consultant would help with the zoning of specific areas where the different advertisements can be put up. She also suggested that the existing by-laws of the Municipality as well as the road sign policy be revised. It is important to make sure that the total appearance and first impressions of Thabazimbi will be improved.
For any further enquiries Liezie le Roux can be contacted on 082 893 4208.