Municipalities abuse assets through mismanagement
Over many years tax payers diligently build up assets for the benefit of the community. Assets that are in the process of being stolen, lost through what seems to be uncontrolled corruption and mismanagement was the view of Mr Jan Viljoen, Chairperson of TAU SA North while he expressed his deep concern with the report of the Auditor-General with the year ended 30 June 2008.
It is high time that criminal charges be brought against the previous and acting municipal managers. He warned the newly appointed municipal manager that rate payers need prove of performance. Sweet speeches, empty promises and meeting upon meeting are not longer good enough. Section 62 of the MFMA is clear that the accounting officers is responsible for managing the financial administration of the municipality and must for this purpose take all reasonable steps to ensure that the resources of the municipality are used effectively, efficiently and economically. He said the report exposed irregularities over many years at a scale unprecedented in the modern, civilized world. It seems as if South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the rest of Africa fail its people. He suggested that the so called leaders try their level best to understand that the current ideologically driven approach does not work. He called upon the real leaders in all communities to stop the decay and imploding of this once proud municipality.