Respond to the article “Non achievers” of Die Kwêvoël dated 31 July 2009, P4
Victory in wage dispute: Municipal Workers
SAMWU’s strike ended up with an agreement to give workers an effective 13% wage increase for 2009/2010. This represent one of the highest settlement figures in the country as most of settlements are between 8% and 10%.
We want to put the record straight in order to correctly inform the community and in particular the working class that we believe the article which was issued by Local newspaper “DIE KWEVOEL” on the 31st July 2009 (Friday) page 4, the writer specifically is ill-informed and
We are pleased that during this strike, we maintained strong unity amongst workers and high level degree of discipline. We believe the writer of the article-NON ACHIEVERS does not stay in our country (SOUTH AFRICA) and not following the trends of bargaining in this sector.
Our Government Legislation i.e. LRA (LABOUR RELATIONS ACT), BCEA (BASIC CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT ACT) are clear on regulation of protected strike, picketing and gatherings. Police are supposed to be there to ensure safety and security and there is nothing wrong about their present.
This Non Achiever, which Samwu is nearly to identify him/her, must not mislead the readers of “DIE KWEVOEL” and the community of THABAZIMBI.SAMWU is open for any constructive engagement not with anonymous.
Many working class communities supported us and showed that our struggle for a living wage and struggle for quality public services is the same struggle. This Non Achiever story does not even know that the Municipality has Collective Agreement and the internal processes that are addressing workers skills development, Affirmative Action and Workplace Training which are the products of the same struggle of workers. SAMWU will continue strengthening its relationship with the entire community of Thabazimbi.