ABSA provides transport for local charity
THABAZIMBI – ABSA confirmed its commitment to the community of Thabazimbi last week during the hand-over of a 13-seater bus to the Thabang Children’s Project. The official ceremony was held at the Thabang Centre at Roodedam, Thabazimbi. Mr Mmoloki Legodu, GM-RDS, represented Absa during this donation of a R 170 000 minibus to address the Thabang Children’s Home Trust’s transportation needs within the Thabazimbi community. The donation forms part the Absa Group Executive Dr Steve Booysen’s commitment to assist a selected number of community development organizations with attaining basic infrastructural commodities, such as transportation. Apart from the much needed transport of children of the Thabang Children’s Place of Safety, this vehicle will also allow Thabang to transport the HIV-positive mothers from Smash-Block/Chromite who are caring for young children, to the local hospital Thabazimbi to collect their antiretroviral medication. In his speech Legodu mentioned that ABSA must give something back to the people who support them. He cautioned Thabang to drive this vehicle with care. This contribution must be one step in the right direction and not two steps back. For the next ten years the kids must be able to identify them with this bus that took them to school. He said that as far as ABSA is concerned, this is a dream come true and they want to see the Thabang Children’s Project moving forward as this is a tool to help the children and Thabang. In his response to Legodu, Cecil White, Manager of Thabang Youth Centre, said that Thabang is working for a future for the children. This bus would be looked after because it is part of the future for everyone at Thabang and through this donation, the children of Thabang can already see the future. The Honorable Mayor of Thabazimbi Municipality, Councilor Lukas Mathlou, thanked Ms Isabelle Mauss, wife of founder Egon Mauss from Leadwood Farm, for the incentive and effort they have put into Thabang Children’s Project and the fact that they chose to do it here rather than in any other district in South Africa where it would have been much easier to obtain recognition. He said Thabang Children’s Project delivers a service to the soul. “We are products of our own environment. The kids at Thabang can look forward to a better future.” He also thanked ABSA for their commitment through Thabang. Mathlou concluded by saying that responsibility means not being corrupt. In this country and especially this province, the need is big. This bus would be to the benefit of the whole community, including Smash Block/Chromite, where transport is urgently needed to carry sick people to the hospital in Thabazimbi. After the speeches, visitors where taken through the facilities at Thabang. Following this, the minibus was officially handed over by Mr Legodu to Ms Viveka Ansorge, Manager of the Thabang Children’s Project.