
Municipality extends paypoints to post office

THABAZIMBI – Members of the Thabazimbi Community can pay their consumers account at any Post Office countrywide as from 1 September 2005.
This service has been implemented to assist the consumer in making quick and efficient payments and minimise the time spent waiting in queues.
The current debit order system stays intact. These application forms need to reach council before the 22nd of the month to ensure implementation. Late arrivals will be processed in the following month.
All you need to do to make payment at the Post Office is to provide your account on which your account number is printed. Please note that the Post Office will not accept payment without proof of your municipal account.
With the extension of the payment points it is now possible to pay your account before the 10th of every month regardless of whether the day falls on a weekend or public holiday. In the case of a weekend the last working day will be the last day for payment. All accounts are payable by the last day of every month during the allocated time period until the 10th which is only a grace period.
Please note that if you have not received your account by the 7th of every month consider it lost, however this does not imply that you do not have to pay your account.